We help students succeed

We provide academic tutoring for students in Sydney and support them through the year.

We're experienced in helping Year 7 to 12 students across Australia's main curriculums, including HSC (New South Wales), VCE (Victoria) and IB. Our tutors have taught over 160,000+ hours of lessons.

We arrange tutors for students according to every student's individual challenges. Often, the tutor will have faced these same challenges in the past.

During lessons, we'll diagnose where the gaps are, and work with the student to fill them to achieve their goals.

Flexible times, we come to you

High school can be a busy time and we'll happily work around co-curricular activities so you won't have to worry about things like soccer training or piano practice interfering with lessons.

If you're in Sydney, lessons can take place at your home or a local public library. Online lessons are available for students anywhere.

For most of our students, we usually recommend weekly lessons for our students.

Ongoing support

Once lessons are underway, we work closely with you and your tutor to help you achieve your goals.

After every lesson, you'll receive a summary detailing what happened during the lesson, areas of weakness and strength, and the recommended next steps your academic journey.

Your tutor will be on your side through the year, working with you, and pushing you to achieve more.

Our team monitors the progress of all of our students. You will have your own support team helping you through the year, keeping track of progress and providing ongoing guidance.

Our mission

Our mission is Achievement through Care

Every day, we work towards this by connecting students with support and advice from the older versions of themselves.






Hours of lessons

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